API, FDF, pharmaceutical equipment and packaging

  • Social responsibility

  • Social responsibility

Social responsibility

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) principles are based on our values and corporate ethical standards.

Our corporate ethical principles

  • Effective management and fair trade

Long Sheng Pharma constantly contributes to its credit of active and socially responsible player in pharmaceutical industry. We are responsible to our customers, partners, and globally to the society. We commit all our efforts and energy to act to the changes of the evolving environment. Our focus areas are social programmes in the sphere of healthcare and education. Long Sheng Pharma is a sponsoring participant at targeted events on a regular basis.

  • Compliance with applicable legislative regulations

We deliver all marketing and product placement activities with strict legislative compliance. We operate our business under the principles of transparency, sustainable development and fair trade.

  • Our partners and customers’ trust

Long Sheng Pharma values its status and integrity thus we set the highest standards in customer service area, effective cooperation and quality control standards. Our partners and customers’ trust is the most precious asset.

Our corporate social programmes

We manifest our social responsibility in two focus areas – young talent acquisition and innovative initiatives in pharmaceutical industry in Russia.

Management and arrangement of professional training programmes for young specialists

Long Sheng Pharma has achieved cooperation with the company Olymp Nayki. We currently support the following projects:

  1. International Pharmaceutical Innovation Camp, Philin – educational platform for professionally-oriented students which gives the unique opportunity to develop targeted skills and open up new career perspectives.
  2. Pharmtech Tutor – joint project with Yaroslavl pharmaceutical cluster. The aim of the project is acquisition of professional skills. Annually students from different regions gather to take part in the project, take short-term internship at Pharmtech and Pharmtech & Ingredients Forums, and build up business contacts with world famous pharmaceutical manufacturers.
  3. Russian National Pharmaceutical Competition Among Students – The academic competition is sponsored by Association of the Russian Pharmaceutical Manufacturers (http://arfp.ru/, ARPM), Saint-Petersburg Administration and Saint-Petersburg Government Scientific Committee. The competition is aimed at discovering young talents in pharmaceutical industry by a number of tests and quizzes which were partially compiled by Long Sheng Pharma. The competition was recognized as The Best Social Programme in 2010 and 2011.


Russian pharmaceutical industry development

Long Sheng Pharma has been the official representative of Association of the Russian Pharmaceutical Manufacturers (http://arfp.ru/, ARPM) in China for a long time. The ARPM was established in 2002 as a non-commercial partnership bringing together leading Russian pharmaceutical companies.

Long Sheng Pharma has been the official representative of Association of the Russian Pharmaceutical Manufacturers (http://arfp.ru/, ARPM) in China for a long time. The ARPM was established in 2002 as a non-commercial partnership bringing together leading Russian pharmaceutical companies.

The priority tasks of the ARPM are:

  • to develop measures contributed to the promotion of products of Russian pharmaceutical companies in the internal and external markets;
  • to support scientific research in medical and pharmaceutical industries by introducing scientific achievements and innovations in practical activities of pharmaceutical manufacturers;

The ARPM actively cooperates with Russian Ministry of Health and social development, Federal service of control of public health and social development. The ARPM is the member of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.